Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Elizabeth's Travels

Here are a few of the highlights from her trip across the country without her mama. I'm still trying to decide if I was crazy in letting her do such a thing at 3 years of age, or if it means I just have that much confidence in her as a strong, independent young woman... She did great, but I'm starting to miss her so much it almost hurts! Can't wait till she's back safe and sound in our home tomorrow.

She made "play-doh" out of the chocolate icing on her piece of my uncle's 50th birthday cake.

She and Pa hiding in a pool toy together.

Playing with my cousin's guitar.

The highlight of the whole trip..."Mama...I got to drive the plane! But for pretend, not for real..." Brought to you by the nice folks at Southwest Airlines. (And you'll notice he's wearing an Aggie ring...nice Aggies.)

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